Friday, May 14, 2010

Its the most, busiest time, of the year!

Well well well. Rule number 1. Cardio.....Rule number 2....Double tap....opps, wrong set of rules. Rule number 1. Never believe teachers when they say "oh, i don't give a final exam for this class" They don't mean it. They give final projects instead. I know, i know, im WHINING....but don't you worry, that's just the culmination and the joy of this point in time. Ok, back to the scheduled program thingie (never knew this was a program, did you.....well, it isn't, so you are doubly wrong for thinking, just for a moment that this was, thereby switching form your correct, first impression. if you never had that thought....than why didn't you?) So whats this thought provoking wisdom you have to share today? Rutabagas. go off of that. love them. eat them. they are pinkish red i think...and thinking is the point! Gotta go!

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