Monday, April 26, 2010

An Impossible Dodgeball

Well, there are some of you out there, who look at that title, and probably say..."hunh?" Then there are those that go "Awesome, tell me more!" Then there is the half mixtures, the in betweens, the no-cares, ect...ect. My bold, new, thought from yesterday, is that you can make a dodge ball impossible to dodge with a few ingredients. First, you need a room. Preferably bowling alley shaped. Then, you need a big rubber playground ball, that is just under the size of the room. Roll the ball down the length of the room, and enjoy the pin-like actions of your opponents. So there is the thought, here is the wisdom. (never said the two were combined )
Bright red sphere,
Its journey almost done.
Million miles in a second,

1 comment:

  1. I can hit you with a dodgeball.. It will hurt though? HAHA EVERYONE WHO READS THIS WILL THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO YOURSELF!!!
